A quick link to my cv is here.
Blekman has been working with top quarks for over 20 years and has led multiple large physics and working groups at CERN, focusing on searching for physics beyond the Standard Model using top quarks, and is currently leading the communication of all physics results by the CMS Collaboration and involved with studies of the performance of a Future Circular e+e- Collider.
She started in 2010 as a professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and since October 2021 been a lead researcher at DESY (the German national particle physics laboratory) with a professorship at the University of Hamburg.
Blekman is also a visiting professor at the University of Oxford, a visiting professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and has been a Distinguished Researcher at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the USA.
October 2021 - present
A joint appointment with the University of Hamburg, this position was obtained via the Helmholtz Distinguished Professor Recruitment Initiative
As a professor (Hoogleraar) at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel I was involved with research at CERN, teaching, and chairperson of the teaching board for the bachelor and masters programme in Physics & Astronomy.
As an associate professor (Universitair Hoofddocent) I was involved with research at CERN, teaching, and chairperson of the PR Committee of the Faculty of Science and Bioengineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
As an assistant professor at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, I was involved with research at CERN, teaching and various committees at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Before 2010
Freya Blekman received her MSc at Nikhef/University of Amsterdam on R&D for the LHCb experiment. Her PhD, also with Nikhef but mostly based in the US at Fermilab, was spent on the D0 experiment where she worked on the then recently discovered top quark. Blekman joined the CMS experiment in 2005, and worked on the construction and startup of the experiment as a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London and Cornell University.
My detailed academic CV can be downloaded from here. This is only irregularly updated.